Asia Brewers Network

Faces Of Change: Vietnam’s 7 Bridges Celebrates Local Heroes

23rd November 2023

7 Bridges Brewing Co has launched a unique project that spotlights individuals making significant strides in sustainability and community engagement.

Faces of 7 Bridges puts the faces of environmental and social activists and change makers literally on the Vietnamese brewery’s beers, creating a platform to bring attention to their work.

The second phase of the project features the stories of four individuals on the brewery’s special edition beer cans, chosen from a pool of nominations for their impactful work in sustainability and community development.

Faces of 7 Bridges brewery vietnam

“We are a brewery dedicated to sustainability and with a Zero Waste Mission at our core. When friends gather for beers they spend time swapping stories, and sharing knowledge. That’s the magic of our ‘Faces of 7 Bridges’ campaign,” shares 7 Bridges Creative Director Travis Hodges.

“We’re using the power of beer to spark conversations, putting inspirational people front and center on our label designs. Our goal? To amplify their stories and shout from the rooftops about the incredible sustainability efforts in Vietnam.”

Among them is Marina Tran-Vu, founder of EQUO, an enterprise dedicated to reducing the reliance on single-use plastics.

Her portrait is featured on the brewery’s Dragon IPA can, representing her entrepreneurial spirit and environmental consciousness.

Marina Tran-Vu Equo 7 Bridges Vietnam

Marina Tran-Vu, founder of EQUO

Nano Morante’s face graces the Beach Blonde Ale cans. The Argentinian co-founder of PLASTICPeople focuses on establishing a circular economy around plastic waste, turning refuse into functional and creative design materials.

The third person celebrated in this series is Lương Ngọc Duy, a champion swimmer and volunteer coach, whose story is featured on the Imperial Double IPA cans.

The final change maker featured is Vũ Hồng Thanh, who leads the Da Nang Zero Waste Community.

Her efforts in promoting sustainability education and community initiatives are represented on the Sunset Tangerine Wheat cans.

Vũ Hồng Thanh, leader of the Da Nang Zero Waste Community

Vũ Hồng Thanh, leader of the Da Nang Zero Waste Community

“Many people pursue dreams like achieving significant economic development, but some dreams appear even more challenging to attain. In this journey, Vũ Hồng Thanh dedicates herself tirelessly to fostering this change, fueled by her belief that we can all become more responsible caretakers of our planet,” shares 7 Bridges CEO Saori Ushimi.

“As a craft beer company that values the power of community as a driving force for genuine change, we deeply admire her work. To help amplify her influence, we feature Thanh on our beer label as a ‘Face of 7 Bridges’, celebrating her unwavering dedication to a better future for our planet.”

7 Bridges other projects include becoming the headline sponsor for Da Nang Surf Series, Vietnam’s first formal surf competition, which includes competitive events, lifesaving training and beach clean ups.


Article by:

Oliver Woods

Oliver Woods


Beer Asia

Oliver is a marketing strategist by trade and a craft beer enthusiast by choice. He is the founder of consulting firm Beer Asia and lives, works and drinks between Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Saigon, Vietnam. You can find him on Twitter @oiwoods

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